OpenStack RDO Manager installation (5)
How to install OpenStack RedHat RDO Manager. This installation assumes completed about Overcloud beremetal machine settings by OpenStack RDO Manager Installation (4)
This article describe deploying Overcloud. OpenStack Heat will be used.
Login to RDO manager as stack user first, Then login to instack VM as root and switch stack user if you are not logged in to the instack VM. Please load environment values by source stackrc command before operate the OpenStack of Undercloud.
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa stack@
[stack@rdo ~]$ su - stack
[stack@rdo ~]$ ssh root@
[root@instack ~]# su - stack
[stack@instack ~]$ source stackrc
[stack@instack ~]$ screen
Please use screen command because following tasks may take long hours.
Create Instance Flavor
Create instance flavor baremetal. It may have some error when starting an instance if the flavor does not matches baremetal machine's manifest criteria.
Controller and Compute instances are created by baremetal flavor.
[stack@instack ~]$ openstack flavor create --id auto --ram 4096 --disk 40 --vcpus 1 baremetal
[stack@instack ~]$ openstack flavor set --property "cpu_arch"="x86_64" --property "capabilities:boot_option"="local" baremetal
Check Subnet DNS Server
Make sure to confirm subnet dns_nameservers is
[stack@instack ~]$ neutron subnet-list
| id | name | cidr | allocation_pools |
| eae40800-2d83-4bf2-b100-4a1f22ef84f6 | | | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
[stack@instack ~]$ neutron subnet-show eae40800-2d83-4bf2-b100-4a1f22ef84f6
| Field | Value |
| allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
| cidr | |
| dns_nameservers | |
| enable_dhcp | True |
| gateway_ip | |
| host_routes | {"destination": "", "nexthop": ""} |
| id | eae40800-2d83-4bf2-b100-4a1f22ef84f6 |
| ip_version | 4 |
| ipv6_address_mode | |
| ipv6_ra_mode | |
| name | |
| network_id | 99947eb0-e56a-46ba-9c8f-8641ca280685 |
| subnetpool_id | |
| tenant_id | fd2f647a5dde4d4da91bfa7cf997c60a |
Check Management Plan of Overcloud Deployment
Getting the management plan uuid.
[stack@instack ~]$ openstack management plan list
| uuid | name | description | roles |
| 938aea79-d0da-44c1-836c-3f0b6a4708fd | overcloud | None | Compute, Ceph-Storage, Cinder-Storage, Controller, Swift-Storage |
The Overcloud management plan includes roles.
Deploy Overcloud
Deploy the Overcloud. It will complete when Overcloud Deployed is shown on console.
[stack@instack ~]$ openstack overcloud deploy --plan 938aea79-d0da-44c1-836c-3f0b6a4708fd --debug
Overcloud Deployed
Check Overcloud Deploy Completion
Check Baremetal machine status
It should be Provision State=active.
[stack@instack ~]$ openstack baremetal list
| UUID | Name | Instance UUID | Power State | Provision State | Maintenance |
| 2acdc988-fb22-4f85-ba6a-7036260b03d2 | None | 138f004f-d3b8-4295-b3e5-dcbb1d520ee7 | power on | active | False |
| 3ac7e24e-e753-46f7-9d4c-002760acecb2 | None | 47e5a1be-4d3f-4a34-a2b4-bf890ff6d2da | power on | active | False |
Check Heat Status
Heat status should be CREATE_COMPLETE.
[stack@instack ~]$ heat stack-list
| id | stack_name | stack_status | creation_time |
| f6083bd6-9711-4272-9bb4-4055c32dc820 | overcloud | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-07-21T10:21:05Z |
Check Heat Status Resource Report
[stack@instack ~]$ heat resource-list overcloud
| resource_name | physical_resource_id | resource_type | resource_status | updated_time |
| BlockStorageAllNodesDeployment | 8ec4e437-83c1-477a-8daa-7f329488d6be | OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-07-21T10:21:05Z |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| allNodesConfig | a5929608-b780-4758-a6fe-efa0c929a4f4 | OS::TripleO::AllNodes::SoftwareConfig | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2015-07-21T10:21:05Z |
Check Controler and Compute Instance
[stack@instack ~]$ nova list
| ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |
| 138f004f-d3b8-4295-b3e5-dcbb1d520ee7 | overcloud-controller-0 | ACTIVE | - | Running | ctlplane= |
| 47e5a1be-4d3f-4a34-a2b4-bf890ff6d2da | overcloud-novacompute-0 | ACTIVE | - | Running | ctlplane= |
SSH login to Controller Instance
[stack@instack ~]$ ssh heat-admin@
[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo systemctl
cloud-final.service loaded failed failed Execute cloud user/final scripts
Restart cloud-final because it has been failed. Is this a bug?
[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo systemctl restart cloud-final
[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo journalctl -b -u cloud-final
...[CLOUDINIT] util.py[DEBUG]: cloud-init mode 'modules' took 0.205 seconds (0.20)
[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ logout
dhcp-interface has been failed, however it seems like good. It may be ignorable. (ifup script runs if did not not wake up network inteface, however network interface is already waked up)
SSH login to Compute Instance
[stack@instack ~]$ ssh heat-admin@
[heat-admin@overcloud-novacompute-0 ~]$ sudo systemctl
cloud-final.service loaded failed failed Execute cloud user/final scripts
Restart cloud-final because it has been failed. It this bug also?
[heat-admin@overcloud-novacompute-0 ~]$ sudo systemctl restart cloud-final
[heat-admin@overcloud-novacompute-0 ~]$ sudo journalctl -b -u cloud-final
...[CLOUDINIT] util.py[DEBUG]: cloud-init mode 'modules' took 0.181 seconds (0.18)
[heat-admin@overcloud-novacompute-0 ~]$ logout
Now, it ready to use Overcloud. RDO Manager has been installed. Currently the Horizon has issues with above CLI installation that is not synchorinized information to the Horizon. The Horizon can not manage installed Overcloud by CLI. (as of 2015-07-20)
Thus, Next article describes operate Overcloud by CLI.