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OpenStack RDO Manager Installation (2)

How to install OpenStack RedHat RDO Manager.

This installation assumes completed about OS settings by OpenStack RDO Manager Installation (1)


Login as stack user with ssh public key.

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa stack@

Please use screen command because following tasks may take long hours.

[stack@rdo ~]$ screen

Please use screen -r command for attaching existing screen when connection has been terminated. Sometimes it still grubbed the screen by a zombie connection.

It should kill old pts/n then attaching to screen by command screen -r after reconnect with below procedures.

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa stack@
[stack@rdo ~]$ ps aux|grep pts|grep sshd
stack     9246  0.0  0.0 131068  2056 ?        S    00:01   0:00 sshd: stack@pts/1
stack     9511  0.0  0.0 131068  2048 ?        S    00:29   0:00 sshd: stack@pts/3
stack     9544  0.0  0.0 112640   960 pts/3    S+   00:30   0:00 grep --color=auto sshd
[stack@rdo ~]$ kill 9246
[stack@rdo ~]$ screen -r

Virtual Machines installation

Set up 3 VMs in virtual environments. Install the instack-undercloud for VM creation.

[stack@rdo ~]$ sudo yum install -y
[stack@rdo ~]$ sudo yum install -y
[stack@rdo ~]$ sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/rdo-management-trunk.repo
[stack@rdo ~]$ sudo yum install -y instack-undercloud

Configure Virtual Environments

Create 3 VMs for running undercloud.

VM vCPU RAM(GB) HDD(GB) Description
instack 4 4 40 Undercloud OpenStack environment for deploying Overcloud(OpenStack environment for user)
baremetalbrbm_0 4 4 40 Controller baremetal VM
baremetalbrbm_1 4 4 40 Compute baremetal VM

Thease will be created and ran by below commands. 2 baremetal VMs will be launched at Overcloud deploying.

Please use command virsh start instack for VM starting when you shut down host machine.

[stack@rdo ~]$ instack-virt-setup
[stack@rdo ~]$ sudo virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 2     instack                        running
 -     baremetalbrbm_0                shut off
 -     baremetalbrbm_1                shut off

Each VM power management settings

IPMI power management can't use because each VM is not a baremetal machine. Therefore use PXE+SSH instead of IPMI for using virtual environment with OpenStack like baremetal. It should can ssh to the management address

Created default instackenv.json written for root user. It should be changed to stack user. Please check ssh to as stack user with public key for power management.

[stack@rdo ~]$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ stack@
[stack@rdo ~]$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_virt_power stack@
[stack@rdo ~]$ logout

Install Undercloud to instack

VMs has been created. Create Install Undercloud to instack. ssh to instack. IP addresses can be retrieved by below command.

[stack@rdo ~]$ cat /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.leases | grep $(tripleo get-vm-mac instack) | awk "{print $3;}"

Chang stack user and run screen after ssh.

[stack@rdo ~]$ ssh root@
[root@instack ~]# su - stack
[stack@instack ~]$ sudo yum -y install screen
[stack@instack ~]$ screen

Install python-rdomanager-oscplugin

Install with below command.

[stack@instack ~]$ sudo yum install -y
[stack@instack ~]$ sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/rdo-management-trunk.repo
[stack@instack ~]$ sudo yum install -y python-rdomanager-oscplugin

install Undercloud

Install Undercloud. it will complete when instack-install-undercloud complete. is shown on console.

[stack@instack ~]$ openstack undercloud install --debug
instack-install-undercloud complete.

it will getting error if command running time over 1 hour when deploying Overcloud because Keystone valid expiration time is 1 hour after installation. Should change to 4 hours.

[stack@instack ~]$ sudo sed -i.orig -e "s/expiration = 3600/expiration = 14400/g" /etc/keystone/keystone.conf
[stack@instack ~]$ sudo systemctl restart openstack-keystone

Next article describes Overcloud image build.

OpenStack RDO Manager Installation (3)